Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tropical Tidbit: A Delightful Grocery Store Encounter

I'm in the produce department at Plaza Extra when I run into one of the bank tellers from next door to the coffee shop. I like this woman; she has flair and personality.

We greet one another, and I say hi to her little girl who looks to be about four years old. I ask the child her name, and she plays shy, moving her lips inaudibly.

Her mother looks amused and only slightly exasperated.

"Go on, baby, tell her your name. This is my friend, it's okay."

Again, she moves her lips, but I hear nothing.

Her mom looks at me with the same amused, slightly exasperated look.

"Her name is Star, but she said Baby Genius. She doesn't want to be called Star anymore, she wants to be called Baby Genius now."

The girl just looks at me with the same shy expression on her face.

"That's fantastic!" I say, "I can think of a lot worse nicknames."

Her mom smiles and sighs, "I guess I'm going to have to nickname her Baby Genius or something."

How absolutely, wonderfully precocious. Baby Genius made my day. 


  1. I knew a little girl like that

  2. Awwwww, you're right Phil!

  3. see thats what you miss out on when you are 17 years older and have different moms. darn it.

  4. Darin you still said cute things!

  5. Except I told people my name was Ernie Schumaker. Not as cute as baby genius.
