Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On Spirituality and Religion, Part 3: Statement of Faith

By their very nature, spiritual beliefs are difficult to verbalize. Ironically, in being articulated and thus distilled to a level of human understanding, their spiritual essence is removed. Which is probably why I avoided this part of my spirituality series, if I may call it such. Following is my attempt to articulate the ineffable. Per usual, I use more words than necessary.

Everything is connected.
Humans. Animals. Plants. Weather. Oceans. Nature. Politics. Wars. Diseases. Miracles. Violence. Love.
Everything. Everything. Is. Connected.

What appears to be many is actually one.
Which is why everything is connected.
It really is One Love, mon.
God is the one. Everything else, the many.
So whether we realize it or not, we are one with God or Goddess or Source or Allah. God doesn’t care the name we use.

Living beings have souls—an eternal essence of who we are existing beyond life and death, time and space. We can always access this part of our being, although it is extremely hard for most of us to do. Meditation quiets and stills our human minds so we can chill with our eternal, peaceful soul for awhile.

We live more than one life on this, and perhaps other, earths.

Our time on earth is an opportunity for our souls to grow and evolve.

Heaven and hell do not exist in the traditional manner. We may experience an expected version of heaven or hell after we die, but it is neither for reward nor punishment, neither is it an eternal state.

What we offer to the world is offered back to us.
We often refer to this as karma.

Our inner experience is mirrored in our outer world. If you feel shitty about yourself and believe others are out to get you, your experience will certainly confirm it.

The Golden Rule is cool…
Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
I will go further and say that
In a larger sense, which we may not readily perceive,
What we do unto others, we also do unto ourselves.


  1. WELL SAID I agree to bad bible bangers can,t figure it out

  2. thats because they cant expand their mind to think that their god and the muslims,and Buddhists and hindo god could be and are on in the same.

  3. I agree with the everything is connected part. But even some atheists would agree with this. It doesn't have to involve a god. So saying EVERYTHING is connected and then saying "God is the one" and everything else the "many" doesn't really register with me. NIce argument though.

    How about connecting with that email I wrote you a few weeks back?

  4. Alas,the ongoig saga of which God to believe in.That's why they call it faith.What if 6 was 9 and if you tie two birds together while they have 4 wings they cannot fly and on and on etc.etc.Peace,and may we all find it.

  5. A added observation as westerners we are selfish,greedy,spoiled and reluctant to abide by any rules or laws of religon.If someone wishes me good karma I would have to respond by saying I knew a girl named karma and she was ugly with a big butt.Just my opinion,Peace

  6. there is something definitely out there and everyone has their own perception of who or what it may be. After seeing many "cross over" and some who start and then come back, it keeps me in check that there is another adventure ahead. A person gets goosebumps when told of what they saw and felt.

  7. And I like the thought of another adventure.....
