Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Sunset View from the Porch

Evidence of a Higher Power


  1. That's called "atmospheric conditions" Ashley. Photographically, sunsets are the ultimate cliches. But ain't they grand?

  2. Hey! (this is Beth)
    So I was thinking about you and wanted to write you. I called you to get your email but you didn't answer. So then I was like, I know, I can get some of Ash by her blog. Haha. So I was reading and laughed a lot. I wanted to share some things with you today. Some thoughts and whatever.
    I was thinking about the brain thing and in the book I'm reading, Osho comments on the right and left brain functions. I think that each side of my brain is very strong and very different which causes me to have the SPLIT PERSONALITY!! My ways of thinking on each side are SO far away from one another that it's hard to believe the two thought processes come from one person! Does this make sense?? Also, speaking on creativity, Osho brought up a point which I feel I can identify with and wanted to share with you...
    "The creator cannot settle anywhere. The creator is a vagabond, he carries his tent on his shoulders. Yes, he can stay for an overnight visit, but by the morning he is gone again- that's why I call him a vagabond. He is never a householder. He cannot settle; settling means death to him. He is always ready to take a risk. Risk is his love affair."
    Wow. That's what I think about these statements... wow. I feel that!
    This reminds me of why I do not feel I can have a steady, exclusive boyfriend. It's convenient and comfortable... which is death to me. Someday, I believe, I can be with one person and it won't be either convenient & comfortable, or a painful distance with misunderstanding.
    Alright, well I need to get your email so I can share stuff with you when we aren't together. So get back to me with that. Mine is
