Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yay Technology.

Leaving my writing group was one of the biggest bummers about moving from Minnesota to St. Thomas. The four of us- Pock, Todd, Phil, and I- met in the fall of 2008 at the Loft Literary Center during a twelve week beginning memoir class. We ended up in a group together and enjoyed the experience so much that we decided to get together every few weeks to share writing. And it always ended up being a fun eating/drinking/conversation/therapy session too. Writing regularly and having a community with which to share and receive feedback has improved the quality of my life immensely during the past year.

Relationships in the group grew beyond merely sharing our writing. One of the group members graciously let me stay with him during the two month transition period between my old life and my new one. I cherish my time spent in his cozy brick duplex in South Minneapolis and will miss the many deep, meaningful, and sometimes downright goofy cigarette-smoking chats around the fireplace and on the front stoop with Neighbor Phil while collecting many an empty bottle of Blue Moon...


We decided that we would try and continue to meet after my move via Skype. On Wednesday night we had our premiere remote session. Since I get a strong enough 3G signal on my air card  in the bedroom, we intially drug the kitchen table in there and set up. But the signal wasn't strong enough to communicate very effectively. Our images pixelated and our voices warbled in and out. I experimented and found the signal much better on the porch outside the bedroom. So we pulled the table out there (thankfully October in St. Thomas brings lows in the upper 70's) and installed some portable, big boy construction lights so my comrades in Minneapolis could actually see me. And the reception was near perfect. After 30 minutes or so, it barely seemed like we were in separate places.

Notice dog's feet next to mine under table.

We read our pieces aloud, provided feedback, and caught up on personal lives during an almost three hour video Skype conversation. All with 2500 miles of land mass and ocean separating us. I love technology.

I always dreamed of a career in broadcasting...


  1. Great pictures. I'm so glad this worked out and that distance isn't going to be a problem. You gotta love technology. Looking forward to the next one.

  2. Hooray for technology. Well, at least we won that round with it. See you, yes SEE you Wednesday Oct 21st at 6PM.
