Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Sky is Falling (disclaimer: unnecessary self-pitying to follow)

I've struggled to find happiness, contentment, and fulfillment since childhood. Thus far, it's been fleeting. I've changed my surroundings, my medications, my beliefs, my routine, my goals, and yet I always end up with this vague...or not so vague depressed sense of hopelessness and futility.

I know that the only true source of peace available to me comes from within. Challenges and victories will enter and exit my life, alternately elevating and lowering my mood and my general sense of well-being. But underneath all the surface stuff that happens, somewhere deep inside, all is calm and well. Intellectually, I know and believe this to be true, but I'm having great difficulty actually living it.

I'm really fucking sick of being unhappy. And I'm sure all of you are really fucking sick of me bitching. An intelligent, attractive enough, middle-class white American whining about her piddly non-problems in the face of serious world issues.

Wah, wah, shut the hell up.

I thought coming to St. Thomas would solve all this. Such strong forces pulled me here. I thought to create a life less ordinary. I thought to force a mental and spiritual breakthrough. But now I just miss the comforts of my old frozen home. The Current, First Ave, trash collection, a decent salary and health benefits, Trader Joe's, Motley, among other such things and people...

I call this Woody Allen Disorder, or The Grass is Always Greener Syndrome (I thought I penned this term, but after googling it, apparently I did not). There's an actual scientific-sounding word for this that I've just spent the last thirty minutes trying to look up. Woody Allen refers to it in Wild Man Blues. He says that when he's in NYC, he always wants to be in Europe, and when he's in Europe, he always wants to be in NYC. If anyone knows the word he uses to describe this, please let me know. I think it either starts with an "A" or an "M", and if my computer time wasn't limited, I would still be looking for it. (Okay, I found it. Anhedonia, which actually means the inability to experience pleasure...not exactly accurate to what I'm describing, but close enough.)

Why is my computer time limited, you may ask? Well, because I spilled a minute amount of water in the general direction of my new laptop on Tuesday morning and now the hard drive is gone. I have grown exceedingly attached to my laptop in the last two months. It's my connection to the world. To the music and people I love. (Um, not in that order.) I'm an information addict! I need constant Internet access! So, I have to send my computer to Toshiba where hopefully they'll replace my hard drive for free, but maybe they will tell me there is water damage and, thus, I'll need to pay for it with money that I don't have.

Also, the last chapter and a half of my book will need to be rewritten because I am irresponsible and neglected to save it to my jump drive. *Sigh* It will be interesting and hopefully not too maddening a process.

I thought I would have to stop writing until the computer is fixed, thereby eliminating one of my major sources of joy. But I've decided that I'll just write by hand in a notebook. Tolkein and Hemingway penned masterpieces on little scraps of paper in the midst of flying bullets on the battlefield, so I think I can manage writing longhand in a composition notebook for a couple weeks.

I will have plenty of time to do this, considering that both Mom and Mike will be gone for the next week. It will be interesting to spend a week alone on this island. Luckily, I have to work every day this week, so the amount of time I can spend in an empty house crying and feeling sorry for myself will be limited. I am grateful to have made one girlfriend to hang out with as well. Mom probably won't be back until December after her surgery and recovery period. I'm thrilled that she's going to be okay (although I never really thought otherwise for some reason). But, I'm actually not convinced she'll ever return. Can you say "ironic"?

So, because of all this wah wah nonsense, Mike has given me another nickname. The poor guy didn't realize what he was getting into with me. Another crazy skinny bitch to add to his list of girlfriends. (His bff claims that this seems to be his type. Ha.) I did, however, offer plenty of disclaimers about my lack of mental stability and tendency toward moodiness. He chose to ignore them or not believe me, I guess. So anyway, he has started to call me Chicken Little.

I don't think it's wholly inaccurate. In fact, I'd say that he's come up with a good one.

At least it's in keeping with the chicken theme.


  1. I don,t know anyone who hasn,t gone thur this I moved to Calif then came home then went back still miss Calif but I know there is nothing for me there. I had to learn this and you are also its ok

  2. it will pass sis i also had the same things, kept thinking Minnesota is the place i should be so we moved back and then thought Iowa saw the place so went back and now i think Minnesota is the place i would like to go back to.

  3. Sorry to hear about the laptop woes. Not fun. Especially losing part of what you were working on. Ugh. Who knows, maybe writing on scraps of paper and notebooks will be liberating. Ever read that Vonnegut book where he claimed to do that? Hocus Pocus I think it was.

    I totally suffer from the Woody Allen syndrome thing too. It hits me every time I travel.

  4. You know, when I lived in Minneapolis I didn't really want to live anyplace else, except for after I visited St. Thomas last spring. The Tropical Crazy Bug will do that to you, I guess...
    It must be a human nature thing. Maybe it's etched into human DNA. Who knows.
    The key is to live in the moment-- to not be enemies with the present. But this is difficult! Thanks for reading and commenting. Don't worry family, I'm not going to hang myself in the closet or throw myself into the Caribbean wearing a pair of cement boots. It's always darkest before the breakthrough, right?
    Todd, I have not read that particular Vonnegut book. I don't even recall hearing of that one. I will have to check it out the next time I live somwhere with a real library system.

  5. My Ashley, First of all I love you LOTS, and miss you more. Your blog is a-mazing. It makes me feel at times that I'm reading your diary and invading your private thoughts. So proud of you for hanging your feelings and emotions out there for all of us to learn from. I to am feeling ALL those things. So please, don't feel alone, as I'm sure you don't. But you know, just sayin....

    Our brains play such tough mind games with us. WTF is up with that anyway? It sucks. Panic attacks have come into my life now too. Oh and are they a fun and special thing. I would imagine you and I could (and will) have a giggle or two about that expercience. I for one do not "yike" them. one said it would be easy....but seriously this is getting to be redic!

    My new mantra of late is "this to shall pass" seems to be working. I use it several times a day. LOL Go ahead, try it. Say it right outloud. And, when you do think of how much your Auntie loves you. Then giggle!!


  6. This latest entry in your has sadden me.I wish I could give one of my bone jarring HUGS(I remember when you first came into my life we used to interlock little fingers as hugs)well when we next see each other there will be one waiting for you.As for your reference to Tolkein(my favorite author)as you know here I am living in a apartment half underground so I guess I have become a "Hobbit" just taller than most of them and without the hairy feet ;)I guess you can start calling me Bilbo-Jo from now on!!You will always be loved by many and your courage to do what you have done is maybe somewhat questioned but also admired.You hang in there Ashley and do what you set out to do then decide what you want too do.I Love You...Bilbo-Jo

  7. It's kind of funny, even Mom and Dad got the boot off this blog.

  8. Angst. Isn't that part of the whole sentient being experience? I used to suffer from perfectionism until I adopted that old saw: "will it matter five years from now?" That's not enough but it is ever so true.

    Sorry about the computer. Does feel kind of isolated when not online. Can you access through a library?


  9. Sev-Dog,

    Luckily the boyfriend has a laptop that he doesn't need as desperately as me. This is especially fortunate since it has taken numerous phone calls and almost a month now and I still have not received a "box for service" from Toshiba. I do not live that far out in the sticks! UPS, FedEx, and USPS are operate regularly here and it takes only a couple days longer to receive/send than stateside.

  10. You should read Tao te Ching sometime when you're feeling anxious. Turning paradoxic statements written in a poetic way is very calming, for me at least. Helps me push my self away from myself and breathe a little. You're not as important as you think you are. <3

  11. that's supposed to say "Turning .. over in your head is .. " .. stupid words
