Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lovin' da Local Lingo, Part 2

It’s time for more Lovin’ da Local Lingo. I’ve learned many new words since last time and have tried to incorporate them into my daily vocabulary. Sure, Caribbean words sound incongruous coming out of a bespectacled white girl’s mouth. But that’s part of the fun, yes? I enjoy surprising locals in the coffee shop by inserting a local saying mid-conversation.

For Example:

One of our dear regulars, a lovely, salt of the earth man named Steve, was in early for coffee. On his way out, he stopped again at the register to buy a paper.

“Ashley, do you have any Daily News?”

“No, dey ain’t reach yet.”

He chuckled, “Dey ain’t reach, huh? You starting to sound Caribbean, girl.”

I smiled. “Maybe someone teef ‘em”

Steve shook his head and walked away saying, “Someone teef ‘em. You’re too much.”

So children, when an item or person arrives someplace, you say that it reach.

A related term is carry. If you take a person or an item somewhere, you say that you’re carrying them/it. As in, “I gon carry my dog to da beach on Sunday.”

And if you couldn’t tell by the context, if something is teefed, then it has been stolen. If someone be teefing from you, what they’re doing is stealing. This is one of my favorites. And can you really blame me?

Stay Tuned for More... 


  1. in no time at all you will have dreadlochs and a multi colored hat and changing your name to a more laid back island one

  2. My favorite is "walking" with something. As in "always be sure to walk with your cell phone" or "I need to walk with cash". Find myself still using that phrase. Oh, and another....when someone is babysitting your child they are "holding" them.
    Yes, it's fun to learn the local lingo, just don't forget how to speak proper English! LOL
